I’m back…ish.

Well, it’s been a hot minute. I suppose I have not felt like writing for a while, a long while it seems. It’s not been a lack of anything to write about really; we have lived so much life in the last couple years - I have enough content for a series of novels. But I have not been inspired to share my stories, my writing. I have not wanted to put thoughts to paper in a public forum. Maybe it’s because I haven’t had the time, or maybe it’s because I didn’t want some people to know my stories. However, aside from the lack of inspiration shining down on me, I feel the real reason is I needed to sift through, organize and process a lot more of my own baggage…without distractions. You’d think that four plus years of trauma therapy would help set me straight! While it was incredibly constructive and healing, there is always more to unpack and understand. And that journey is never over.

So I’m back. Or I should say, I’m back for now or for when I want to be. No rules, no goals, no deadlines or a promise of monthly posts. Just when I want to, when I feel like putting my words and emotions out into the universe. Keeping it short and sweet for now.

It feels good to be back writing again.


Finally, a diagnosis.


Dream on.